Lactose Intolerant? You May Be Able to Filter Your Milk in the Future

Lactose Intolerant? You May Be Able to Filter Your Milk in the Future

Lactose Intolerant? You May Be Able to Filter Your Milk in the Future
Lactose Intolerant? You May Be Able to Filter Your Milk in the Future

1) If you are lactose intolerant, you may be able to filter out lactose from regular milk using a special filter one day. Researchers have found that membranes made of the material graphene oxide can effectively filter out lactose from milk.

Lactose Intolerant? You May Be Able to Filter Your Milk in the Future
Lactose Intolerant? You May Be Able to Filter Your Milk in the Future

2) Graphene oxide membranes could filter out lactose from milk more effectively than present commercial nano filtration membranes. In addition, the graphene oxide membranes could better preserve the texture, flavor and nutritional value of milk.

Lactose Intolerant? You May Be Able to Filter Your Milk in the Future
Lactose Intolerant? You May Be Able to Filter Your Milk in the Future

3) These filters can also filter out sugars from beverages while preserving other ingredients, thus increasing the nutritional value of the beverages. The technology for these graphene membranes originally came from making membranes for water desalination.

Take Home Summary: A new type of membrane based on graphene oxide can one day let you effectively filter out lactose from regular milk, or even increase nutritional values of beverages by filtering out the sugars.

Journal source: Carbon
Graphene oxide membranes for lactose-free milk
August 30, 2021




