Category: General
Stress Does Turn Your Hair Gray, But It Can Be Reversible
A study shows that psychological stress can turn hair gray but the hair color can be restored if the stress is eliminated.
Satellite Imagery Correlates Green Space With Happiness
Using satellite imagery, researchers have found a significant positive correlation between urban green spaces and happiness in 60 countries.
Your Mental State is Better in the Summer Than Autumn, Says Study
Our mental state of well-being appears to be higher in summer time than fall, according to a study.
A Lot of Unknown Nasty Chemicals Are in Plastics We Use
Over 10,500 chemicals were found to be used in the production and processing of plastics.
Wearing Mask Might Increase Your Social Anxiety
Researchers have found that wearing masks may increase social anxiety in people who struggle with this condition.
Researchers Calculate Best Way to Pay Off Student Loans
Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder used mathematical models to figure out the best way to pay off student loans.
Scientists Create Hiccup-Stopping Device
Scientists have created a device is called the “forced inspiratory suction and swallow tool” or FISST to stop hiccups.
Invariably, We Age and Die No Matter How Hard We Try
With the advent of technology and science, it seems we are living longer and life expectancy is increasing in modern society.
Omitting ‘Mice’ From Study Title Can Lead to Misleading Media Coverage
Research papers that do not mention that their studies were done in mice can lead to misleading media coverage.
Nasty, Germ-Filled Air Droplets Produced From Flushing Public Toilets
Sorry if this article sounds disgusting but it’s important you know what happens after you flush a public toilet.