Living in the City or Country Can Affect Your Psychological State

The latest psychological discoveries from the University of Houston lay bare a disheartening truth- rural Americans tend to grapple with bouts of anxiety and depression more often than their urban counterparts. It seems rural living has a way of closing people’s minds, making them less open to ideas, and even more prone to bouts of neuroticism. However, despite what one might assume, country dwellers aren’t any happier or fulfilled than city folk. They don’t appear to have any more purpose or meaning in their lives compared to their urban counterparts.

Access to Mental Health Services

Studies suggest that the gap in access to mental health services can be attributed to the noticeable discrepancies in psychological well-being. A major spur of hospital shutting downs in rural areas since 2010 has led to a shrinking of the healthcare worker pool, particularly psychiatrists. Though rural citizens intend to receive more mental healthcare aid, roughly 85% of private rural counties still suffer from massive shortages of mental health professionals.

The researchers say enhancing access to psychological aid in rural parts is key in order to acknowledge and take advantage of the qualities and beliefs of distant communities, which will notably progress their mental well-being.

The investigators probed data from two major longitudinal reviews of US Americans namely the Midlife in the US (MIDUS) and the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). They sought to investigate whether there existed countryside-urban diversities when it came to levels and alterations in the Big Five traits of character (Extraversion, Agreeableness, Openness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism) and well-being (Psychological health, Contentment with life) observed in mature adulthood. 

This study fills an important vacancy in the existing research by showing that where one live can have a striking effect on character and well-being during maturity. It at the same time spawns more inquiries for future work to probe.

Rural Americans tend to grapple with bouts of anxiety and depression more often than their urban counterparts.
Rural Americans tend to grapple with bouts of anxiety and depression more often than their urban counterparts.

Source: Rural Americans tend to grapple with bouts of anxiety and depression more often than their urban counterparts.



